last weekend, me and mr y pegi berkursus..hehehe..kursus khas bg org yg nak berkawen..
tarikh : 24 & 25 Jan 2009
time : whole day!
lokasi : Zura Akademik, Bangsar
kos : RM80 per pax
pilihan tempat kursus ini kerana dekat dgn tmpat mr y bekerja and kerana tempat yg glamer dgn artis2 and VVIP dtg berkursus. and as a proof, they posted all the glamorous person photos which I think it is sooooo unnecessary thing and so kinna show off, since this place is for kursus and the speakers are among Ustaz & Ustazah. hurmmmm..but after all, it is still a so called business place.hurmmmm..kekonon mcm a part of promotion ape2 jer la..
byk jugak la aku nak komen ttg tmpat nih. ada jugak la tak puas hatinyer, dan ada jugak yg aku berpuas hati..hehe
yg tidak puas hati :
1) hari pertama, diaorg arahkan peserta mendaftar buat kali ke 2 pada pkul 10 pagi (pdhal borang, salinan ic and duit dah di serahkan kpd mereka sebelum ari kursus and kursus hanya bermula pd pkul 3ptg!! so buatper lagi nak dftr2?but menyusahkan org aje nk menunggu sampai kul 3. yg ddk dekat2 takper la dtg, tp buatnyer yg dtg dari jauh??? kang dah susah. itu pun diaorg srh lagi dtg kul 2pm..nak stand by masuk dewan la konon..padahal dok sengal lagi la sejam tuh. mmg aku sakit ati!! so i think better mansuh kan aje la pre pendaftran tuh.
2) program hari pertama yg membosan kan, speaker yg dtg amat2 lah membosan kan dan tiada input yg dpt..(sowiie), tp mmg sy tak paham ape yg diaorg ckp. melalut! as for information, this is my 2nd time pegi kursus kawen. 1st time masa kat Uitm dulu2, saje gatal pegi dgn kwn2 coz dpt harga student. tp tu bertahun dulu, so me nak refresh blk la ilmu2 kengkawen tcompare to previous kursus, so muchhh different, the speakers shud deliver a very2 useful and important information to the bakal pengantin!!ini takkk..ntah my suggestion, tapis la dulu penceramah2 bebas ni,sebelum buat kursus..awak pun nama dah glamer, dok bangga artis2 & VVIP dtg, tp service mcm ala2 kadar..huhu
3) minum ptg - hanya teh tarik seteko semeja?!
4) tiada form suggestion/ comment from participants, which I think it is so important to upgrade ur working quality and services, bg setiap organization yg membuat service business. Am I rite?? I know lah, ur akademik dah terkenal, tp takkan sampai takleh terima pendapat org lain??huhu..
5) condition dewan yg telah uzur..lampu yg malap, membuatkan org boleh tido dgn lena..hehe..
yg menarik..
1) hari kedua, speakers adalah sgt menarik, sy ketawa sampai pecah perut :P, sgt efektif ilmu2 yg disampaikan.
2) ada segment prosedur perkahwinan, di mana tuan akademik mengajar cara2 menyediakan dokumen2 utk bernikah, which is so practical and useful. membuatkan saya tau dgn lebih tepat bagaimana utk mendaftarkan pernikahan di JAIN. terima kasih!bagi warga Selangor, anda boleh memulakan pendaftaran dlm tempoh 3 bulan dari tarikh nikah, tidak boleh sebelum 3 bln.
3) mknan tghari yg ok. (lauk kari ayam & sayur kubis)
tu aje la komen saya. saya bukan la nak menghentam business melayu, tp sbg customer dan juga peserta, saya memerlukan service yg terbaik dan memuaskan. these comments purposely for you to upgrade your services ! bukan berniat menjatuhkan anda! harap anda paham.
Kesimpulan,saya ada 2 sijil kursus kawen..heheh..sape mau beli satu??hahhaha..saya jual dgn harga yg boleh dirunding..sila kontek saya utk harga runding..hehehehee..tima kasih..selamat malam..
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I have no idea to write..but sumthing push me to write...hurmmm..actually so boring rite now..just surfing the internet without any motif..why I create this blog??..answer..dont know!as I know I luv to write. Masa aku kecik2 dulu aku suka baca diary kakak & abg aku, baca curik2 la..hehe..biler diaorg takder kat umah aku, aku masuk bilik diaorg then kunci pintu utk menyelongkar laci rahsia diaorg..hehe..aku baca la segala rahsia terpendam diaorg tuh..kekdg ada bab2 sedih tuh aku pun layan nangis gakk..sedih aje mendengar luahan perasaan mereka. the gud thing is from their diaries we know about their truly feelings and thoughts. so buatkan aku tau pasal diri dioarg jugak la kan. But yg tak bestnyer, biler kiteorg gaduh aje, aku buka la rahsia diaorg tuh kat semua, kekonon nk bg diaorg sakit ati la and nak bls dendam la kiranyer
time gaduh... huhu..jahat kan?
so disbbkan aku suka baca diary diaorg nih, aku pun terikut2 tulis diary..i think since aku form 1 kot. And I still keep those diaries...tapi my sis, biloer ujung tahun aje dia akan koyak2 kecik2 setiap helai diary dia and hapuskan..coz tak nak aku baca!hehe. tp biler skrg baca blk diary2 tu, rasa malu plak, malu dgn diri sendiri..hehehe... - awak nak baca diary saya??-haha
tp disbbkan aku suka baca diary org, so terkena jugak kat diri aku sendiri. my sister suka jugak baca diary aku. hampeh sungguh! since masuk university aku stop buat diary. coz takder masa dah. if aku nak meluahkan rasa marah ker sedih ker, aku carik kawan2 aje..that's frens are for rite? :) so most of them already know me!tlg simpan rahsia saya..hehe
berblk pada tulis menulis nih, skrg dah canggih, tak payah nak pakai buku dah, skrg dah ada panggil takkan la nak cite hal2 rahsia kat blog sendiri kan, sah2 org lain cite keje2 harian aje la or gosip2..
selamat membaca! :P (sy pun tak tau ape motif tulis sekmen nih..) hahaha
time gaduh... huhu..jahat kan?
so disbbkan aku suka baca diary diaorg nih, aku pun terikut2 tulis diary..i think since aku form 1 kot. And I still keep those diaries...tapi my sis, biloer ujung tahun aje dia akan koyak2 kecik2 setiap helai diary dia and hapuskan..coz tak nak aku baca!hehe. tp biler skrg baca blk diary2 tu, rasa malu plak, malu dgn diri sendiri..hehehe... - awak nak baca diary saya??-haha
tp disbbkan aku suka baca diary org, so terkena jugak kat diri aku sendiri. my sister suka jugak baca diary aku. hampeh sungguh! since masuk university aku stop buat diary. coz takder masa dah. if aku nak meluahkan rasa marah ker sedih ker, aku carik kawan2 aje..that's frens are for rite? :) so most of them already know me!tlg simpan rahsia saya..hehe
berblk pada tulis menulis nih, skrg dah canggih, tak payah nak pakai buku dah, skrg dah ada panggil takkan la nak cite hal2 rahsia kat blog sendiri kan, sah2 org lain cite keje2 harian aje la or gosip2..
selamat membaca! :P (sy pun tak tau ape motif tulis sekmen nih..) hahaha
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Saya amat lega kerana byk tempahan telah di buat :) disini sy menyenaraikan perkara2 wajib yang harus ada di sesuatu majlis perkahwinan yg berjaya dicari dan di block tarikh vendor nya. hope sy akan mendapat kerjasama dari semua pihak kelak. :)
- Catering - Qareezma Sdn Bhd - but I still not satisfied wif their cooperation so far I just booked it becoz the food is nice, but they are sub the canopy to other vendor, so I still curious on their service..huhu..maybe I think I so gelojoh la jugak and push my dad to pay the booking..huuu~~ then I just realized that I not yet look at their design and hasil kerja tgn ..but nevermind sure I will push them to do wat I really want for my wedding after this. sure they will ask for next payment rite, so by that time I will ask them to show me their facilities and services. Owh ya, I got their contact from the Bridal Fair at Ampang Point last time I went wif mr y.
- Photographer - Sharm Captured - We personally met this guy which I think that he is really good in explaination and show the effort to make us understand his skills (definitely!)..photographer kan kena penuh dgn gaya yg coonfident!hehe..
- Pelamin & Deco - Arjuna Cipta - I also spoke with this young guy personally (nway the photographer and pelamin in 1 company - they are gud buddies!). he is so supportive and very nice..masa di pameran tuh me siap ddk kat booth diaorg, belek2 album mrk and keep questioning them wif silly silly diaorg ttp melayan kan..and tgh borak2 nih mr Y buat muka ngelabah and suruh aku bgn.aku pun pelik gk la, apsal lak mamat nih??rupa2nya sekali aku toleh belakang..sudah ramai yg menunggu giliran!hahahaha..malunyerrr kami pun cecepat la cabut! then after bincang2 kiteorg berminat dgn deco diaorg so terus draw duit and byr deposit!settle!!tak sia2 mak tanyer soalan byk2!haha..
1) Kompang 2) PA Sistem & DJ 3) Videographer 4) Baju Sanding (penting nih!!) 5) Kursus Kawen bersama Mr Y and adik nya (comel kan..)
Next month...
1) Door gift 2) Kad Undangan 3) Hantaran 4) Tempah Baju Nikah & Khatam Quran
Wahhhhh..byk lagi nih nak kena dah start stressss..!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 is begin...
hye all..
today is 1st JAN 2009!alhamdulillah..awal muharram pun baru lepas, dah masuk 1430 hijrah dah..umur juga akan meningkattt..wahhh...sungguh tak percaya yer..hehe
early morning my bestfren dah antar sms ajak g breakfast! first new yr wif gudfrens of mine (huda & mat nor, emanull tido lagi- spoiler!)..then pepagi mkn breakfast KFC yer..1st time mkn kat KFC breakfast jugak. good choice and nice trial!hehe
cite pasal celebration new yr..hurmmm..menariknyer saya menyambut tahun baru dgn family mr.y. we were celebrating at his sis house at kota damansara yesterday. makan bykkk sgt coz her mum really a great super cook!yummy!!!sesampai aje me and him dah melantak nasik and lauk masakan kampung (my fav)hehe..then dah masuk midnite, baru acara mkn besar bermula..hehe..semua western food occay! :) mknan yg cepat mengemukkan disebabkan new yr, so belasah aje la..hahaha..sambil mkn sambil bergosippp..and i told u..his family is soo good in gossipinggg..which i really likeee..hehe..and happy being in his family my family also la..we have a HUGE family (6 siblings each of us!).kalu dah combine dua2 family, mau sendat umah!hahaha..
then dah dekat nak count down, si afik (adik bongsu mr y) nak tgk bunga api kat the curve. tp rasa2nya dah tak sempat c
oz tinggal bbrp minit nak kul kiteorg just berhenti tepi apartment sis dia, and tgk bunga api came out from the curve!haha..layan jugakk..janji tgk firework new year..haha.
hehe..ingat budak kecik aje excited, org dewasa pun sama!
dah kul 12.30am, me pun kena blk, nnti papa ku marah pulang lewat!hehe..btw, happy new year to all frens and all bloggers! semoga tahun 2009 akan memberi kite lebih keberkatan ..Aminnn.
today is 1st JAN 2009!alhamdulillah..awal muharram pun baru lepas, dah masuk 1430 hijrah dah..umur juga akan meningkattt..wahhh...sungguh tak percaya yer..hehe
early morning my bestfren dah antar sms ajak g breakfast! first new yr wif gudfrens of mine (huda & mat nor, emanull tido lagi- spoiler!)..then pepagi mkn breakfast KFC yer..1st time mkn kat KFC breakfast jugak. good choice and nice trial!hehe
cite pasal celebration new yr..hurmmm..menariknyer saya menyambut tahun baru dgn family mr.y. we were celebrating at his sis house at kota damansara yesterday. makan bykkk sgt coz her mum really a great super cook!yummy!!!sesampai aje me and him dah melantak nasik and lauk masakan kampung (my fav)hehe..then dah masuk midnite, baru acara mkn besar bermula..hehe..semua western food occay! :) mknan yg cepat mengemukkan disebabkan new yr, so belasah aje la..hahaha..sambil mkn sambil bergosippp..and i told u..his family is soo good in gossipinggg..which i really likeee..hehe..and happy being in his family my family also la..we have a HUGE family (6 siblings each of us!).kalu dah combine dua2 family, mau sendat umah!hahaha..
then dah dekat nak count down, si afik (adik bongsu mr y) nak tgk bunga api kat the curve. tp rasa2nya dah tak sempat c
hehe..ingat budak kecik aje excited, org dewasa pun sama!
dah kul 12.30am, me pun kena blk, nnti papa ku marah pulang lewat!hehe..btw, happy new year to all frens and all bloggers! semoga tahun 2009 akan memberi kite lebih keberkatan ..Aminnn.
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