lately saya sgt malas menaip..
sebab...tiada mood dan tiada modal utk kerr??
maybe sbb penat menonton marathon cite2 sedey mood pun berubah, all kinna series drama changed my whole day...huhuhu..sooo huge impact!!hate it, but sape suruh carik penyakit kan..
so by next week, I hv to stop laaa..sbb ia memberi kesan mendalam pada diri saya dan membuatkan hasil pekerjaan saya merundum, so before it getting worst and worst, I shud stop it (just for a while, occay..) I'll not leaving my interest on this part time hobby, but need to take a break..huhu..purpose:- untuk mendpt tune idup sy seperti sedia kala..hahaha..
all the best! :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
hari cuti selangor
this is gud when u are working in Selangor..why?becoz alotz of public holidayyy!yippiee..
so as usual, biler ada jer cuti, I will come out wif a plan..chill out wif frens or mr y. memandangkan mr y berada di lokasi wilayah, so beliau harus bekerja! plan B - mencarik kawan baik utk membuang masa bersama2..hehehe
as for today, we all plan nak g area Petaling Street. tujuan- mencarik DVD nak sgt beli DVD cite korea World Within tu, coz tgk kat laman web tak puas!pic x clear, and hv to wait for their subtitle..too longgg, i cant wait, dying to know the ending of this story dgn semangat nak g beli lah nih..then my fren nak amik baju kat Pertama and kiteorg nak cari gift utk member lama nak kawen weekend nih - lokasi hadiah adalah Sogo.
kul 11.30 pg dah kuar, naik lrt putra then g Pasar Seni, menapak smpai Petaling Street. 2 jam mencarik2 DVD tuh, tp harapanku musnah!huhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh..DVD tu tak kuar lagi laaaa..sakit ati!then nak sedapkan ati sendiri coz dah 3-4 kedai wa kuar masuk and almost 2 hours we been there, so beli la DVD lain ( A Love To Kill- actor RAIN), which was recommended by Hud. okla, dpt diskaun lg coz Hud nih ada membership dgn itu kedai okla, dh dpt DVD sorang satu, then terus naik lrt Putra and Lrt Star utk ke Sogo & Pertama.
Nak lunch kat Sogo, just baru realized perut tak mkn ape lagi dr pagi, jam menunjukkan pkul 2 ptg..huh!dasat dasat..then g Food Court atas. nak mkn nasik campur..aku benggang giler coz kena tiaw dgn cashier tu RM10!!!!!!seumur idup aku tak penah mkn nasik campur dgn 2 lauk (udang & daging mask kicap) berharga RM10! mkn chicken chop pn baru RM8..kebodohan btul!ikutkan ati mmg aku nak aje pulang blk mknan tuh, tp disbbkan aku dah lapar and ramai org keliling, so aku buat muka taik aje la membayar. biler aku tanyer mcm nae kira, dia leh
ckp harga sepotong daging kira rm1.50. seriusss sengal, daging kecik tuh ko taruk harga?!puaka btul kedai bernama THAI CORNER! kepada anda semua, jgn la sekali kali mkn di kedai tersebut. then b4 aku nak blah tuh, aku tunggu dia tag price org seblh aku..minah tuh pun kena RM8.50 dgn 2 lauk shj. aku tgk muka minah cashier tuh mcm tak bersalah ajeee..berdosa la ko aniaya org mcm nih..huh!!
-aku siap amik pic mknan RM10 nih (berbaloi ker?)
Disbbkan itu, aku jadi emo sepjg perjlnan. mood utk jln2 pun dah tetap blk kul 5pm..hehe..melayan kwn aku bershopping sakan..skali skala..blk jer, dah ponekkkk..
skrg nak sambung tgk cite korea..blum lagi dpt ending dia..huhuhu..merana la aku tunggu nih..hope weekend nih la dpt tgk. if sape berminat tgk cite korea, jepun or taiwan masuk laman web nih . hehehe..selamat menonton and selamat jadi giler cm aku nih..hahaha..
good nite.. :P Worlds Within - Hyun Bin & Song Hye Gyo
so as usual, biler ada jer cuti, I will come out wif a plan..chill out wif frens or mr y. memandangkan mr y berada di lokasi wilayah, so beliau harus bekerja! plan B - mencarik kawan baik utk membuang masa bersama2..hehehe
as for today, we all plan nak g area Petaling Street. tujuan- mencarik DVD nak sgt beli DVD cite korea World Within tu, coz tgk kat laman web tak puas!pic x clear, and hv to wait for their subtitle..too longgg, i cant wait, dying to know the ending of this story dgn semangat nak g beli lah nih..then my fren nak amik baju kat Pertama and kiteorg nak cari gift utk member lama nak kawen weekend nih - lokasi hadiah adalah Sogo.
kul 11.30 pg dah kuar, naik lrt putra then g Pasar Seni, menapak smpai Petaling Street. 2 jam mencarik2 DVD tuh, tp harapanku musnah!huhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh..DVD tu tak kuar lagi laaaa..sakit ati!then nak sedapkan ati sendiri coz dah 3-4 kedai wa kuar masuk and almost 2 hours we been there, so beli la DVD lain ( A Love To Kill- actor RAIN), which was recommended by Hud. okla, dpt diskaun lg coz Hud nih ada membership dgn itu kedai okla, dh dpt DVD sorang satu, then terus naik lrt Putra and Lrt Star utk ke Sogo & Pertama.
Nak lunch kat Sogo, just baru realized perut tak mkn ape lagi dr pagi, jam menunjukkan pkul 2 ptg..huh!dasat dasat..then g Food Court atas. nak mkn nasik campur..aku benggang giler coz kena tiaw dgn cashier tu RM10!!!!!!seumur idup aku tak penah mkn nasik campur dgn 2 lauk (udang & daging mask kicap) berharga RM10! mkn chicken chop pn baru RM8..kebodohan btul!ikutkan ati mmg aku nak aje pulang blk mknan tuh, tp disbbkan aku dah lapar and ramai org keliling, so aku buat muka taik aje la membayar. biler aku tanyer mcm nae kira, dia leh
-aku siap amik pic mknan RM10 nih (berbaloi ker?)
Disbbkan itu, aku jadi emo sepjg perjlnan. mood utk jln2 pun dah tetap blk kul 5pm..hehe..melayan kwn aku bershopping sakan..skali skala..blk jer, dah ponekkkk..
skrg nak sambung tgk cite korea..blum lagi dpt ending dia..huhuhu..merana la aku tunggu nih..hope weekend nih la dpt tgk. if sape berminat tgk cite korea, jepun or taiwan masuk laman web nih . hehehe..selamat menonton and selamat jadi giler cm aku nih..hahaha..
good nite.. :P Worlds Within - Hyun Bin & Song Hye Gyo
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hari Raya Haji?!
Permulaan : Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha kepada semua...!!heheh
Hari ni Hari Raya, tp kenapa saya di rumah aje??hurmmm...aktiviti sepanjang pagi adalah tido di atas katil. huhu..ini adalah kerana..
Aktiviti 2 hari sebelum Raya (yakni hari Sabtu dan Ahad) :-
1) Membasuh baju tp smpai skrg tak kering2 coz ujan..
2) Menonton cite korea fav me (World Within) di mana hero and heroin dia sgt ensem and cantek!! dah tahap ketagih giler tgk drama siri nih, aku layan smpai 2 mlm berturut and tido kul 5am, then sambung lagi siang nyer dr pukul 11pagi smpai 5.30 ptg!wahhhh, sgt champion yer..hihihi..then kepala pun jadi pusing!!!
3) then malam, baru la kuar umah g Kg Pandan, ada kenduri, bergosip dgn sedara mara smpai kul 12 mlm, baru pulang.
4) then tido kul 1am, smpai la ari ni kul 10am..hihihi (pagi Subuh tadi abah ketuk2 pintu bilik saya smpai nak roboh!so kena la gagah kan diri jugak membangun kan diri, tp lepas tu tido semula..hehehe)
5) bangun aje dah dpt 5-6 msg wish raya..hahaha..thx kwn2, termasuk msg mr Y saya..hihihi..malunyer, bakal mak mertua aku tau aku terbongkang smpai mcm nih..hahahaha..
apa pun, ari nih nak berehat, esok kena lain bercuti panjang, me..kena gigih berkeje!bosan bosan..
Hari ni Hari Raya, tp kenapa saya di rumah aje??hurmmm...aktiviti sepanjang pagi adalah tido di atas katil. huhu..ini adalah kerana..
Aktiviti 2 hari sebelum Raya (yakni hari Sabtu dan Ahad) :-
1) Membasuh baju tp smpai skrg tak kering2 coz ujan..
2) Menonton cite korea fav me (World Within) di mana hero and heroin dia sgt ensem and cantek!! dah tahap ketagih giler tgk drama siri nih, aku layan smpai 2 mlm berturut and tido kul 5am, then sambung lagi siang nyer dr pukul 11pagi smpai 5.30 ptg!wahhhh, sgt champion yer..hihihi..then kepala pun jadi pusing!!!
3) then malam, baru la kuar umah g Kg Pandan, ada kenduri, bergosip dgn sedara mara smpai kul 12 mlm, baru pulang.
4) then tido kul 1am, smpai la ari ni kul 10am..hihihi (pagi Subuh tadi abah ketuk2 pintu bilik saya smpai nak roboh!so kena la gagah kan diri jugak membangun kan diri, tp lepas tu tido semula..hehehe)
5) bangun aje dah dpt 5-6 msg wish raya..hahaha..thx kwn2, termasuk msg mr Y saya..hihihi..malunyer, bakal mak mertua aku tau aku terbongkang smpai mcm nih..hahahaha..
apa pun, ari nih nak berehat, esok kena lain bercuti panjang, me..kena gigih berkeje!bosan bosan..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
counting time - part 2
I am back!
my plan 3 for the wedding preparation is.....wat arr??surf internet (just surf ye) hehe..the wedding dress, pelamin and deco for that day..haha..baru terhegeh2 nak mencarik2 di dlm internet, org lain siap dah byr deposit cik kak oiii.parah!
but nevermind, at least there is sum effort la kan..hehe..and g survey2 butik pengantin wif frens. there are also certain boutique that I really admire (I do), it just that I dont want to get rush in choosing my dress and sum more I prefer the dress which is not really really expensive!!not worth it I think (for me lah)..sum ppl might spend their money on that becoz they want to look outstanding!gorgeous!pretty!awesome!wat else...CANTIK lah overall kan..but me, as long I look nice and sweet then ok la..always like sweet and cute Fira..hahahah
then tadi, my abah asked me wether I want to do a majlis khatam quran also..hurmmm..takde plak terpikir nak buat majlis nih..coz I afraid that I cant even read the ayat2 Quran..coz saya ada darah GEMURUH!!huhu...kang bukan aku baca quran, aku nangis plak atas pelamin tuh karang, ha sape nak jawap?? tp since abah nak suggest and can ask kumpulan org2 Masjid di depan rumah nih, so I said, why not. but b4 that saya kena belajar mengajiii.. (anak2 mari kita belajar membaca Al-Quran..yeayy!) so next week try la arrange kelas mengaji dgn mane2 Ustazah la..hehehe..mcm kelakar jer dah nak kawen baru nak belajar tajwid balik. eh, FYI, saya tau mengaji la, saya bukan buta huruf jawi, tp utk lebih menyempurnakan dan melunakkan suara sy semasa majlis itu, maka saya WAJIB belajar semula. Hukum tajwid kena PERFECT, barula AFDHAL.hhehehe..cayalah fira!
so perancangan perkahwinan ini kena la lagi cepat dan teratur, coz dah tertambah satu lagi slot..aiyooo, baju pun kena bertambah la ek?aiyakkkk..cost lagi tuh..huhu..
weekend nih org ramai balik kg for Raya Haji, for sure kedai2 byk tutup, so takleh nak g survey lagi. but this weekend alot of warehouse sales!!!!sakit ati aje..FYi, saya ada penyakit shopaolic!huhu..if ada warehouse aje sure nak pegi walaupun duit sekangkang kera aje..huhu..but this time, I hv to sekat la. coz that money shud be keep for future.. sedessss..huhuhu..
okla, time to layan korean hero..hehehe..dadaaaaa
my plan 3 for the wedding preparation is.....wat arr??surf internet (just surf ye) hehe..the wedding dress, pelamin and deco for that day..haha..baru terhegeh2 nak mencarik2 di dlm internet, org lain siap dah byr deposit cik kak oiii.parah!
but nevermind, at least there is sum effort la kan..hehe..and g survey2 butik pengantin wif frens. there are also certain boutique that I really admire (I do), it just that I dont want to get rush in choosing my dress and sum more I prefer the dress which is not really really expensive!!not worth it I think (for me lah)..sum ppl might spend their money on that becoz they want to look outstanding!gorgeous!pretty!awesome!wat else...CANTIK lah overall kan..but me, as long I look nice and sweet then ok la..always like sweet and cute Fira..hahahah
then tadi, my abah asked me wether I want to do a majlis khatam quran also..hurmmm..takde plak terpikir nak buat majlis nih..coz I afraid that I cant even read the ayat2 Quran..coz saya ada darah GEMURUH!!huhu...kang bukan aku baca quran, aku nangis plak atas pelamin tuh karang, ha sape nak jawap?? tp since abah nak suggest and can ask kumpulan org2 Masjid di depan rumah nih, so I said, why not. but b4 that saya kena belajar mengajiii.. (anak2 mari kita belajar membaca Al-Quran..yeayy!) so next week try la arrange kelas mengaji dgn mane2 Ustazah la..hehehe..mcm kelakar jer dah nak kawen baru nak belajar tajwid balik. eh, FYI, saya tau mengaji la, saya bukan buta huruf jawi, tp utk lebih menyempurnakan dan melunakkan suara sy semasa majlis itu, maka saya WAJIB belajar semula. Hukum tajwid kena PERFECT, barula AFDHAL.hhehehe..cayalah fira!
so perancangan perkahwinan ini kena la lagi cepat dan teratur, coz dah tertambah satu lagi slot..aiyooo, baju pun kena bertambah la ek?aiyakkkk..cost lagi tuh..huhu..
weekend nih org ramai balik kg for Raya Haji, for sure kedai2 byk tutup, so takleh nak g survey lagi. but this weekend alot of warehouse sales!!!!sakit ati aje..FYi, saya ada penyakit shopaolic!huhu..if ada warehouse aje sure nak pegi walaupun duit sekangkang kera aje..huhu..but this time, I hv to sekat la. coz that money shud be keep for future.. sedessss..huhuhu..
okla, time to layan korean hero..hehehe..dadaaaaa
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Counting Time...
As u can see in front of my blog, I put a counting down on my big DAY!wahhhh..just a round the corner..just another 6mths (179 days) I feel so nervous..coz I hv do nuthin!!!!
Org lain nak kawen hampir separuh benda dah leh settle..tapi sayaaaaa...TIADA!huhuu..kasik cuak aje..I hv fren, my bestfren actually..she will also get married the same mth wif me..and compare wif her, she has prepare many things..for example 1. dah tempah dewan and byr deposit 2. dah tempah photographer & byr deposit 3. dah amik wedding planner who will incharge her deco, pelamin, catering and make up, and hantaran! 4. wat else...hurmmm dah short listed baju sanding mane dah sewa AND..5. dah nak tempah kad kat Indon yer...
huhuhuhu...buat wa stress ajekkk..and when I think of this..I am sooo SERABUT!..and u know wat i hv done at this point of time. I just bought my HANTARAN (stuffs) like perfume set, make up set, shoes, purse, clutch, watch..bla bla (normal item on hantaran, rite) ..thats it! slumber yerr..did I take for granted on everything??or just I like to do sooo last minutes thing??huhuhu..hurmmm..wat shud I do??
1 thing for sure, bulan Jan will have a Pameran Pengantin di Ampang Point. If I go, this is the 3rd time I visit the kind of Pameran. But this time will b diff.coz I need to find a gud boutique and nice dress to be wear. Just a simple one. Saya mesti and wajib memastikan saya akan berjaya menyewa baju pengantin dan pelamin by next mth!hehehe...Mr. Y, awak kena tlg saya tau!Coz awak pun nak kena pakai baju cantek2 masa kawen tu..hehehe
hurmmm..bagus bagus..dah ada plan pertama dah nih. Plan 2: bulan Feb saya akan ke Jakarta utk mencari kain nikah, door gift for guests, tempah kad kawen (hope sempat la), and kain utk family (wajib pakai sedondon yer, satu kaler!)hehe..
ok, so dah berjaya smpai ke plan 2..hehehe..keep going fira! tp plan ke 3 akan di sambung esok, coz saya nak layan cite fav sy, cite korea bersiri!hehhee
Org lain nak kawen hampir separuh benda dah leh settle..tapi sayaaaaa...TIADA!huhuu..kasik cuak aje..I hv fren, my bestfren actually..she will also get married the same mth wif me..and compare wif her, she has prepare many things..for example 1. dah tempah dewan and byr deposit 2. dah tempah photographer & byr deposit 3. dah amik wedding planner who will incharge her deco, pelamin, catering and make up, and hantaran! 4. wat else...hurmmm dah short listed baju sanding mane dah sewa AND..5. dah nak tempah kad kat Indon yer...
huhuhuhu...buat wa stress ajekkk..and when I think of this..I am sooo SERABUT!..and u know wat i hv done at this point of time. I just bought my HANTARAN (stuffs) like perfume set, make up set, shoes, purse, clutch, watch..bla bla (normal item on hantaran, rite) ..thats it! slumber yerr..did I take for granted on everything??or just I like to do sooo last minutes thing??huhuhu..hurmmm..wat shud I do??
1 thing for sure, bulan Jan will have a Pameran Pengantin di Ampang Point. If I go, this is the 3rd time I visit the kind of Pameran. But this time will b diff.coz I need to find a gud boutique and nice dress to be wear. Just a simple one. Saya mesti and wajib memastikan saya akan berjaya menyewa baju pengantin dan pelamin by next mth!hehehe...Mr. Y, awak kena tlg saya tau!Coz awak pun nak kena pakai baju cantek2 masa kawen tu..hehehe
hurmmm..bagus bagus..dah ada plan pertama dah nih. Plan 2: bulan Feb saya akan ke Jakarta utk mencari kain nikah, door gift for guests, tempah kad kawen (hope sempat la), and kain utk family (wajib pakai sedondon yer, satu kaler!)hehe..
ok, so dah berjaya smpai ke plan 2..hehehe..keep going fira! tp plan ke 3 akan di sambung esok, coz saya nak layan cite fav sy, cite korea bersiri!hehhee
Sunday, November 30, 2008
annoying bloggers!
today, i read so many bloggers site, randomly i find it from many website n link, i didnt know them but i enjoyying read their writting and ideas :), and I noticed our malaysians luv to write and deliver their ideas freely, but I so disagree wif sum ppl who just think they are so gud enough to gv their comments and criticsm about sumthing damn sensitive (which related wif other religious and races) outspokenly and harsh!
my suggestion - pls think widely before u speak!and if u are not satisfied wif ppl in Malaysia, so dont be a Malaysian..go back to ur nenek moyang thankful that u r here, peaceful and harmony..dont obviously prejudiced wif others. take care!
my suggestion - pls think widely before u speak!and if u are not satisfied wif ppl in Malaysia, so dont be a Malaysian..go back to ur nenek moyang thankful that u r here, peaceful and harmony..dont obviously prejudiced wif others. take care!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hari Sukaneka Org Dewasa

1. Family Day CGC diadakan di FRIM, Kepong shj (company lain siap buat kt Pulau Redang la, Brisbane la dan tempat2 diluar bandaraya KL & PJ), ttp disbbkan ekonomi gawat, so venue bersukaria di buat di sekitar Selangor shj ye.
2. tetapi tak kisahla, yg penting me harus join, coz utk mengenali rakyat CGC dgn lebih mesra gitu. So me pun join ahli sukarelawan buat pom-pom, bendera dll utk mencantekkan khemah
3.Red Team- name RED HOT CILI API!clazzz..
4.pagi lepas subuh, me and the team sudah smpai FRIM utk set up khemah, kerja gotong royong berlangsung, memasing nak menunjukkan kehebatan khemah nih, yg paling menarik, disbbkan team cili api, maka kami mengantungkan cili2 merah di sekeliling khemah (dan membuatkan semuaorg mengketawakan kami) hampeh!tp lantak arr, buat tebal muka sudah..hehe, janji semangat kesukanan tu ada!yeayy.
5. sy berjaya mem
asuki bbrp acara sukaneka..spt mengolekkan rim (tak rim ape, rim ketapi kot), dan monorail di mana kami mendpt tempat PERTAMA!yeayyy lagi..(hadiah sebuah album, dan hadiah tersebut sy tlh menghadiahkan kpd satu perkahwinan kwn sy pd keesokkan harinya..haha, coz sy tlh ada byk album yg x digunakan) – ujung2 bulan nih duit dah kering, maka tiada lebihan duit utk beli hadiah kawen,huhuhu) sowi beb, tp aku ikhlas bg hadiah tuh kat ko!
6. yg paling best, me telah menang hadiah lucky draw yg ke 50!!sy amat terperanjat semasa nombor bertuah sy di 235!!haha..dgn pantas dan berlari2 penuh excited, sy mendapatkan hadiah itu, sebuat thermo pot! Sy akan simpan brg ele
ktrik ini smpai sy kawen nanti,..hahah..dah save duit aku nak beli benda alah nih..hehe
7 finally, team merah berjaya memenangi tempat kedua keseluruhan dan sy mendapat hadiah la berbentuk set Tupperware dr IKEA. (dan akan simpan jugak hadiah ini smpai gue kawen)hahaha..buruk perangai x??hehe
8. over all, sy tlh dpt 4 hadiah (termasuk hadiah beg galas dr CGC, welcome goodies)..and saya amat berpuashati….hehe..tak sia2 aku pegi tau, and tak sia2 muka itam legam terbakar oleh kerana berjemur di bwh cahaya matahari..huhu..
2. tetapi tak kisahla, yg penting me harus join, coz utk mengenali rakyat CGC dgn lebih mesra gitu. So me pun join ahli sukarelawan buat pom-pom, bendera dll utk mencantekkan khemah
3.Red Team- name RED HOT CILI API!clazzz..
4.pagi lepas subuh, me and the team sudah smpai FRIM utk set up khemah, kerja gotong royong berlangsung, memasing nak menunjukkan kehebatan khemah nih, yg paling menarik, disbbkan team cili api, maka kami mengantungkan cili2 merah di sekeliling khemah (dan membuatkan semuaorg mengketawakan kami) hampeh!tp lantak arr, buat tebal muka sudah..hehe, janji semangat kesukanan tu ada!yeayy.
5. sy berjaya mem

6. yg paling best, me telah menang hadiah lucky draw yg ke 50!!sy amat terperanjat semasa nombor bertuah sy di 235!!haha..dgn pantas dan berlari2 penuh excited, sy mendapatkan hadiah itu, sebuat thermo pot! Sy akan simpan brg ele

7 finally, team merah berjaya memenangi tempat kedua keseluruhan dan sy mendapat hadiah la berbentuk set Tupperware dr IKEA. (dan akan simpan jugak hadiah ini smpai gue kawen)hahaha..buruk perangai x??hehe
8. over all, sy tlh dpt 4 hadiah (termasuk hadiah beg galas dr CGC, welcome goodies)..and saya amat berpuashati….hehe..tak sia2 aku pegi tau, and tak sia2 muka itam legam terbakar oleh kerana berjemur di bwh cahaya matahari..huhu..
Team biru
Thursday, November 20, 2008
giler online sales!
sejak sy buat blog nih, makin byk blog org sy baca.memcm2 gaya bahasa, gaya pikiran, gaya promotion..hehe..and affect from that, almost everyday, I will find a new online sales..berbagai2 benda..mmg menarik dan tertarikkkk..sampai sakit jiwa den menengoknyerr.. ada jual handbag branded like Coach, Nine West, LV, LC, etc.(membuat aku juling!) , ada jual tudung ala Ekin, silk shawl, baju la, perfumes la, cupcakes..huhuhu..bleh jatuh bankrup saya nihhh!!
But the gud thing is, I just realized that our Malaysians really luvvvv doing bizness. and their biznes is truly succeed. go Malaysian! I am so proud wif them..and one day I also want to do a kinna bizness like sy mau jual ape yer??hehehe...any idea?
last time I had been a gud salesperson jugak. selama sethn sotongah la gk me jual Personal Loan..hehe..part of bisness and marketing gk secara tak langsung me also got experiences in bis..hehe..jgn pandang org sebelah mata aje tau!
Anyhow, hope my wish come true..and if mau jadi kaya, ada banglo besau, moh la kite berniaga!Daaaa~~
But the gud thing is, I just realized that our Malaysians really luvvvv doing bizness. and their biznes is truly succeed. go Malaysian! I am so proud wif them..and one day I also want to do a kinna bizness like sy mau jual ape yer??hehehe...any idea?
last time I had been a gud salesperson jugak. selama sethn sotongah la gk me jual Personal Loan..hehe..part of bisness and marketing gk secara tak langsung me also got experiences in bis..hehe..jgn pandang org sebelah mata aje tau!
Anyhow, hope my wish come true..and if mau jadi kaya, ada banglo besau, moh la kite berniaga!Daaaa~~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
bestfren wedding..
umur dah makin meningkat nih, byk plak jemputan kawen kwn2, sedara mara, jiran2 dll. ;ast weekend aje sy received 3 undangan perkahwinan. first fr my bestfren (uitm s.a) - naniey & latif, from bibi (sek ren & sek men), and my cousin. tp disbbkan perancangan dr awal2 thn nak pegi yg nani dkt jb, segala undangan lain terpaksa ditolak. harap maap ye yg lain...
So nak dijdkan cite, me and kwn2 lain bersetuju utk bertemu di JB shj, dsbbkan saya kena menghadiri kursus di opis dr pagi smpai lewat ptg (nak pecah otak nih belajat ari sabtu!). dan disbbkan kursus ini, sy terlepas majlis pernikahan mrk. wat a sad..sowie babe tak dpt tgk ko nikah! aku sure, latif misti kecut perut masa lafaz tu ek!hhahaha..
Me and Mr Y and my brother (sibuk nak ikut, nak jumpa gf dia kat UTM gk) gerak kul 5.30pm. dlm perjlnan me tido shj, coz otak dah terlalu penat utk memikir. nasib Inu leh teman Mr Y drive keta. tp masa terjaga, sy tgk Inu plak yg tido , tinggalkan Mr Y drive keseorangan. So terpaksala sy membangunkan diri, berborak2 dgn Mr Y sambil mkn kopok.
Smpai JB dlm kul 11.30pm, dan jumpa kengkwn kat Danga Bay. Seriusly 1st time sy jejak kaki di sana, and I was so excited!coz tempat tuh mmg happeningg!!ramai org, ada fun fair, and bykkk tempat jd sgt jakun la jugak..hehee..
Conclusion, JB sgt maju jugak la, and tapiii..pemandu mereka sgtlah agresiffff!sgt menakutkan membawa keta whenever u r going to JB (driving urself) just becareful!!huhh..baca bismillah la byk2..hehe
nanti sambung cite ek, sy ketandusan idea la..hehe..
So nak dijdkan cite, me and kwn2 lain bersetuju utk bertemu di JB shj, dsbbkan saya kena menghadiri kursus di opis dr pagi smpai lewat ptg (nak pecah otak nih belajat ari sabtu!). dan disbbkan kursus ini, sy terlepas majlis pernikahan mrk. wat a sad..sowie babe tak dpt tgk ko nikah! aku sure, latif misti kecut perut masa lafaz tu ek!hhahaha..
Smpai JB dlm kul 11.30pm, dan jumpa kengkwn kat Danga Bay. Seriusly 1st time sy jejak kaki di sana, and I was so excited!coz tempat tuh mmg happeningg!!ramai org, ada fun fair, and bykkk tempat jd sgt jakun la jugak..hehee..
Conclusion, JB sgt maju jugak la, and tapiii..pemandu mereka sgtlah agresiffff!sgt menakutkan membawa keta whenever u r going to JB (driving urself) just becareful!!huhh..baca bismillah la byk2..hehe
nanti sambung cite ek, sy ketandusan idea la..hehe..
Shutdown of Fish Spa in Singapore & US
Previously reviewed Kenko Fish Spa in Pavillion KL, The Garra Rufa Fish Therapy spa in Bangsar and also the Kampung Fish Therapy Garra Rufa Spa in Singapore. Comparisons between real and fake Garra Rufa fish (Chin Chin fish) was also discussed here.
These fish spas have been popping up all over Malaysia and Singapore like wild mushrooms as everyone tries to take advantage of these little fish whom many claim are highly effective in eating away dead skin cells and aiding skin repair and regeneration. However, the hygiene of these spas are often questionable especially when some merely offer a big tub of water filled with little fake Garra Rufa fish where the bottom is dirty and the water is not filtered and cleaned. They charge very little for a 5 to 15 minute “treatment” but the thought of infections or skin diseases spreading through these fake Garra Rufa and dirty tub water is indeed scary.
The health risks and questionable effectiveness of fish treatments has led to the closure and shutdown of fish spas in Singapore and Dallas, US.
The Spa Association Singapore has said that banning fish-spa treatments such as Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa and Qian Hu Fish Farm is the way to go and it did not encourage its members here to provide the service for safety and hygiene reasons.
More reputable members use filtration systems and ultraviolet light to kill bacteria in the water and also check that their customers are clear of wounds.
At least two complaints have emerged this year against fish spas - the Consumers Association of Singapore received one, and The New Paper ran a report on two sisters who caught fungal infections from a fish spa. (source)
On the other side of the globe, this treatment of letting live fish give people pedicures is now banned in Washington and Texas.
Ms Christine Anthony, spokesman for the Washington Department of Licensing, said it was impossible to sanitise live fish. ‘You can clean the tank, you can clean the water, but there’s no guarantee that the fish aren’t carrying something from the previous customer,’ she was quoted as saying by Seattle Times.
Officials also said the foot baths and holding tanks, because they are home to live fish, cannot always be properly cleaned and disinfected.
Hence, although it might be a novel pedicure that is the current rage, do exercise caution before you dip your feet and legs to be nibbled by those little fish. This is especially so if the place you frequent uses fake Garra Rufa fish such as Chin Chin fish which can bite hard enough to even cause cuts or wounds, as experienced by some customers.
It is always best to ensure that you only visit reputable spas which have excellent filteration systems and ultra-violet rays to kill whatever bacteria that might be present in the water. Otherwise you might find yourself picking up a nasty infection or skin disease from an irresponsible customer.
Tags: Beauty, fish spa, Health
These fish spas have been popping up all over Malaysia and Singapore like wild mushrooms as everyone tries to take advantage of these little fish whom many claim are highly effective in eating away dead skin cells and aiding skin repair and regeneration. However, the hygiene of these spas are often questionable especially when some merely offer a big tub of water filled with little fake Garra Rufa fish where the bottom is dirty and the water is not filtered and cleaned. They charge very little for a 5 to 15 minute “treatment” but the thought of infections or skin diseases spreading through these fake Garra Rufa and dirty tub water is indeed scary.
The health risks and questionable effectiveness of fish treatments has led to the closure and shutdown of fish spas in Singapore and Dallas, US.
The Spa Association Singapore has said that banning fish-spa treatments such as Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa and Qian Hu Fish Farm is the way to go and it did not encourage its members here to provide the service for safety and hygiene reasons.
More reputable members use filtration systems and ultraviolet light to kill bacteria in the water and also check that their customers are clear of wounds.
At least two complaints have emerged this year against fish spas - the Consumers Association of Singapore received one, and The New Paper ran a report on two sisters who caught fungal infections from a fish spa. (source)
On the other side of the globe, this treatment of letting live fish give people pedicures is now banned in Washington and Texas.
Ms Christine Anthony, spokesman for the Washington Department of Licensing, said it was impossible to sanitise live fish. ‘You can clean the tank, you can clean the water, but there’s no guarantee that the fish aren’t carrying something from the previous customer,’ she was quoted as saying by Seattle Times.
Officials also said the foot baths and holding tanks, because they are home to live fish, cannot always be properly cleaned and disinfected.
Hence, although it might be a novel pedicure that is the current rage, do exercise caution before you dip your feet and legs to be nibbled by those little fish. This is especially so if the place you frequent uses fake Garra Rufa fish such as Chin Chin fish which can bite hard enough to even cause cuts or wounds, as experienced by some customers.
It is always best to ensure that you only visit reputable spas which have excellent filteration systems and ultra-violet rays to kill whatever bacteria that might be present in the water. Otherwise you might find yourself picking up a nasty infection or skin disease from an irresponsible customer.
Tags: Beauty, fish spa, Health
Friday, November 14, 2008
questionnaires of myself
1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday: 27 (baru nak kawen lorr) enjoyyy my life!
2. Place you want to travel to: Paris, Korea and Beijing
3. Your favorite place: tempat yg ada makanan!hahaha..i likee food
4. Your favorite food: lamb chop wif black pepper gravy and masak tempoyak mama mr. Y
5. Your favorite pet: harap maap, saya bukan pencinta binatang.. :P
6. Favorite color combination: kaler2 ceria :)
7. Favorite piece of clothing: baju yg tak menampakkan saya gemukk!
8. Your all time favorite song: lagu2 yg di nyanyikan oleh mr Y..hahah (even tak sedap pun voice dia tuh) parah!
9. Favorite TV show: freak wif korea drama series.
10. First name of your significant other/crush: ??
11. Which town do you live in: Kelana Jaya di hatiku
12. Your screen name/nickname: Fira, Kecik, Fighhhaa (by anak buah Mr. Y)
13. Your first job: Jual ayam Kenny Roger's (masa umur 17 thn)
14. Your dream job: which pay me higher!lol~
15. One bad habit that you have: membebel non stop!hahah
16. Worst fear: mimpi antu!
17. Things you’d like to do before you die: bertaubat larr..
18. The 1st thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000: tiket kapal terbang ke Europe
19. Your husband/wife: wa single laaa..
20. Tagged anyone? Nak tag Kino-Lya pulak
2. Place you want to travel to: Paris, Korea and Beijing
3. Your favorite place: tempat yg ada makanan!hahaha..i likee food
4. Your favorite food: lamb chop wif black pepper gravy and masak tempoyak mama mr. Y
5. Your favorite pet: harap maap, saya bukan pencinta binatang.. :P
6. Favorite color combination: kaler2 ceria :)
7. Favorite piece of clothing: baju yg tak menampakkan saya gemukk!
8. Your all time favorite song: lagu2 yg di nyanyikan oleh mr Y..hahah (even tak sedap pun voice dia tuh) parah!
9. Favorite TV show: freak wif korea drama series.
10. First name of your significant other/crush: ??
11. Which town do you live in: Kelana Jaya di hatiku
12. Your screen name/nickname: Fira, Kecik, Fighhhaa (by anak buah Mr. Y)
13. Your first job: Jual ayam Kenny Roger's (masa umur 17 thn)
14. Your dream job: which pay me higher!lol~
15. One bad habit that you have: membebel non stop!hahah
16. Worst fear: mimpi antu!
17. Things you’d like to do before you die: bertaubat larr..
18. The 1st thing you’ll buy if you get $1,000,000: tiket kapal terbang ke Europe
19. Your husband/wife: wa single laaa..
20. Tagged anyone? Nak tag Kino-Lya pulak
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
hari yg memenatkan..
ari ini & semlm merupakan ari yg meletihkan badan dan otak saya. kenapa?
-kerana saya telah menghadirkan diri ke seisi induction utk pekerja2 junior mcm saya.
- seharian sy mendengar bebelan dari semua dept ( ada lebih 15 dept kot). itu psl jiwa saya sakit!
- mcm2 aktiviti tlh di buat utk mendera kami spt nyanyi koir bersama2 lagu jiwang karat, melompat beramai2 di atas kertas kecik, membina menara kertas dll yg memerlukan tenaga yg byk dan memeningkan. I hate Induction programme..ia sepatutnyer di mansuhkan!huh!
- lagi sakit ati coz ari sabtu ini saya ada training lagi..and disbbkan itu saya terlepas ke acara pernikahan kwn baik saya, naniey & latif di jb. saya hanya akan pegi ke JB pada mlm sabtu utk seisi persandingan..huhu..sowie frens!
- huhu..takder idea nak mengarang, coz badan2 saya semua sakit..otak pun tgh tak centre lagi..huhu..mau tido la, esok smbung k!niteyyyy..
-kerana saya telah menghadirkan diri ke seisi induction utk pekerja2 junior mcm saya.
- seharian sy mendengar bebelan dari semua dept ( ada lebih 15 dept kot). itu psl jiwa saya sakit!
- mcm2 aktiviti tlh di buat utk mendera kami spt nyanyi koir bersama2 lagu jiwang karat, melompat beramai2 di atas kertas kecik, membina menara kertas dll yg memerlukan tenaga yg byk dan memeningkan. I hate Induction programme..ia sepatutnyer di mansuhkan!huh!
- lagi sakit ati coz ari sabtu ini saya ada training lagi..and disbbkan itu saya terlepas ke acara pernikahan kwn baik saya, naniey & latif di jb. saya hanya akan pegi ke JB pada mlm sabtu utk seisi persandingan..huhu..sowie frens!
- huhu..takder idea nak mengarang, coz badan2 saya semua sakit..otak pun tgh tak centre lagi..huhu..mau tido la, esok smbung k!niteyyyy..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
weekend life
kehidupan saya di waktu ujung minggu..
- bgn pepagi, terus basuh kain yg setok seminggu.
- kul 12.30pm, my Y called ajak lunch together2 then baru la plan "wat is our activities for today?"..hurmmm..wat arr??
- and today we wanna visit a bridal boutique, Butik Syahirah di Rawang..fuhhh, sejak awal2 lagi Mr Y dah warning me, that place so sooo far away, but i insist to go coz nak puaskan ati sendiri lah nih) then kiteorg plan dgn bkl pengantin naniey + latt. jumpa di Rawang Petronas, tp kami tersilap menunggu..kira salah tempat lar, sejam gak la sy rasa ke sana.dlm ati dah tekad dah, i will not take any dress from them coz no way I want to go there back!korang bygkan ek, pergi je dlm sejam, minyak confirmla makan byk kan, then tol rm5.60 ye sehala. so pegi blk dah rm11.20!huhu..ok, itu baru cost pengangkutan.
- dah smpai, butik mmg class nyahh..very the meletup!and all dresses are soooooo gorgeous!!marvelouss..butt....the price also so meletupppp kau..fuhh, baju sewa aje dlm rm2k++. if package dgn pelamin, make up dlm rm3k++. but act, so worth it la coz baju and accessories dia mmg camtekkk!sanggup melabur begitu byk, then ok la!
- so kitoerg menunggu la nani&latt testing baju. so beautiful la..jeles aku nih!next week wedding diaorg kat JB, saya akan post pic mrk k. nak di jadikan cite, aku kena attend training plak, bos nak antar training on weekend (whole day) sengalll nak giler, ada jer rintangan saya nak berjln2 nih..aduiiyaiii..then aku straight jumpa bos, dia srh plak aku carik replacement..sape plak la nak ganti kan aku isnin nih kena try pujuk mamat ni replace aku..huhu..if tak dpt, kena cari alternatif lain plak.
- lepas g butik, terus g umah kakak Mr Y di kota damansara. tgk baby Adam. :)
- smpai kul 10.30pm g tgk movie James Bond di OU dgn kwn2 karib and mr Y.
- masa dah kuar movie, si khai tertinggal wallet. then masa check blk tak jumpa plak. dah jadi kes ilang nih. kesian member, cuak abisss!
- then kul 1.30am khai called aku, kata dpt call dr sorang mamat nih. nak pulang blk wallet dia.huh!nasib baik..budak tuh tak jd nak curik..hahaha..budak baik, so ko mmg bernasib baik khai!!kalu tidak burn rm200 ko and doc2 peribadi ko..hehehe
- kul 3am - me pun tired!
- end
Friday, November 7, 2008
90 things u need to know about "lelaki"
1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn't u/stand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don't provoke(irritate) the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh.never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you arethinking.
19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you're asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.
22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
28. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
34. No guy is bad when he is courting.
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.
to be continued...(tak larat den!)
2. Guys hate flirts.
3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
4. When a guy says he doesn't u/stand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
13. Guys cry!!!
14. Don't provoke(irritate) the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh.never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you arethinking.
19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
21. When a guy makes a prolonged "umm" or makes any excuses when you're asking him to do you a favor, he's actually saying that he doesn't like you and he can't lay down the card for you.
22. When a girl says "no", a guy hears it as "try again tomorrow."
23. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
25. Guys love their moms.
26. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
27. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn't mean that the guy likes her.
28. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
29. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
30. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
31. Like Eve, girls are guys' weaknesses.
32. Guys are very open about themselves.
33. It's good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don't let him wait that long.
34. No guy is bad when he is courting.
35. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
36. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.37. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
38. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
39. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
40. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.
41. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
42. Guys try to find the stuffed toy a girl wants but would unluckily get the wrong one.
43. Guys virtually brag about anything.
44. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
45. Guys think too much.
46. Guys' fantasies are unlimited.
47. Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does!
48. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
49. When a girl makes the boy suffer during courtship, it would be hard for him to let go of that girl.
50. It's not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they've been together for 3 years or more.
to be continued...(tak larat den!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
wat i gonna do?
I hv another 7 mths to preparation so far is only 20% (i guess)..anda tau kan ape perancangan saya pada thn hadapan??hehe..
persiapan??huhu..tak tau la cmner nak start, haru biru dah otak ni dok pikir, penat dah belek2 majalah semua..ada plak tuh majalah dr tahun 2005 pun saya tgk.becoz all designs still ok, and trendy la jugak..adat kemelayuan yg masih tidak di tinggalkan..sambil sy tgk, sambil dok berangan2..macam aku plak dok atas pelamin tu kan..hehe..
nasib this time, I have fren yg akan kawen jugak..sama bulan, sama tahun, so if g survey menyervey nih, ada la perancangan awal: survey baju!nak di jadikan cite, dah hampir sebulan kiteorg start survey since bulan pose ari tuh. Sampai nak aje terbukak puasa aku nih la, kiteorg buang tebiat pusing2 kl carik butik. keje giler!sumpah aku tak mau dah jejln mcm nih time pose. berbelas gk la butik kiteorg masuk dr area s.alm, kl, kajang, puchong, masuk blk shah alam..huh!tp...sehelai pun saya tak kenan..ape penyakit dah saya nih??penyakit fussy or penyakit rambang mata?dusshhh!!!
tp saya ada g butik Kimie Kajang, then tgh pilih2 baju, member aku dok tanyer2 size (alkisah member sy satu size nyer dgn sy)haha..then si Kimie nih leh plak buat statement yg kiteorg nih tergolong dlm "Pengantin Kanak2" yer..punyer la terasa smpai ulu ati nih dia ckp gitu..huhu..terus potong nak tempah kat dia!sampai ati ko Kimie...
so dah kepenatan mencarik, esok2 la aku sambung survey. dah kecik ati.
then terpikir nak design sendiri baju kawen aku jer. wahhhh, fira...sgt terrer ye nak design baju..tak takut ke baju pengantin tu jadi baju batman??ha, sape nak jawap tuh??then dgn semangat aku cite la kat Mr. Y, then biler aku tgk muka dia, mcm tak confident ajee..dia takut aku design baju dia jadi spiderman plak kott..huhuhu..(u, support la i skettt..)
i dont care lah.this saturday nak g butik syahirah. then if takder berkenan gk, aku tak kira..akan ku reka and tempah sendiri baju ku..dare or not??hahaha
it's 5pm
dah kul 5.15pm..time to clean up my table..hooreyy!
my task for today :
1) arrange meeting for next week
2) shoot out the email to all attendees..
3) surf facebook, frenster, wedding web etc
4) buat instant hot choc and nescafe
5)borak2 dgn org sekeling
6) chat di ym
7) itu saje..and buang masa most of the time..hahaha
lagi bbrp minit nak blk, so good bye.. :P
my task for today :
1) arrange meeting for next week
2) shoot out the email to all attendees..
3) surf facebook, frenster, wedding web etc
4) buat instant hot choc and nescafe
5)borak2 dgn org sekeling
6) chat di ym
7) itu saje..and buang masa most of the time..hahaha
lagi bbrp minit nak blk, so good bye.. :P
My daily routine
here is my half working day at ofis. Seriously it is so borink!huh..and dat lady, kwn sebelah meja..we are not talking so much, becoz she always bz..hahaha..and i'm bz too!?, surfing the internet (aku antara selected person yg dpt access internet di opis, yippie!!)hehe..lucky me!if not, i will dying without internet..
first, why i create this blog?coz my fren - kino push me!she wants me to be her blog aku pun try aje la..saya budak baru belajar.. :) welcome to blogger world, fira!
now is 11.02am, and i do nuthin in this opis since 0830am. boring nak mampus!kekdg aku terpikir gk, ape function aku kat cni??haha (nway, baru je masuk keje 3 bulan lepas) and this is my 4th job since 2006..hehehe..great huh?? so takder la keje nak dikasikkan kepada ku. meh kite mem-blog lagi..
akan di sambung selepas ini...
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